Although spring hasn't arrived yet, we're planning our 2006 itinerary now. After not sledding since January due to tendonitis in my elbow, I'm getting the itch.
This year, we're going to try to take more time and see more sights as we wander around North America. This was a promise we made to ourselves last year and, after years of being focussed on the destination, we're going to try to appreciate the journey more. As a result, the blog this year should have a lot more details and local colour.
We decided to skip the April Arizona/Texas trip for a couple of reasons. It was a motel trip which put a strain on the budget and, instead of being one week apart, the AZVROC run in the Phoenix area and the Hill Country Rally in Fredericksburg, Texas are now separated by a month.
The annual spring SEVROC rally, to be held for the first time in Maggie Valley, North Carolina will be out as well. The weekend was moved to our Victoria Day weekend, which conflicts with a gathering we have been attending in Eastern Ontario for the last twenty years. Many of the people we join are old rally partners from many years ago and, for some, this is the only time we see them. In case any VROC people hit North Carolina early, we will head down to Kickstand Lodge in Stecoah for part of the week before Victoria Day.
So here's the tentative schedule:
May 13-17 Kickstand Lodge, Stecoah NC
May 19-22 Fry Guys Rally, Combermere On
June 1-4 VROC at KSL, Kickstand Lodge, Stecoah NC
June 6-7 Americade, Lake George NY
June 15-18 NEVROC, Laconia NH
June 22-25 VROC Roving Reunion, Custer SD
June 30 - July 3 French Connection Rally, Ottawa On
July 20-23 High Sierra VROC, Topaz Lake NV
August 4-7 Freedom Rally, Sudbury, On
August 10-13 MIVROC Interlochen Mi
August 18-20 Freedom Riders Bash, Red Hill Pa
September 1-4 Cyclefest, Waterloo On
September 8-10 Gnawbone Rally, Bloomington In
September 15-17 NEVROC Maine Ride
September 20-24 VROC ES Reunion, Eureka Springs Ar
It's going to be a busy season. I just went out and fired Quicksilver up in the garage. He started right away so things are looking good.
6 years ago