Merry Christmas to all. Happy Hanukkah, Cool Yule and Krazy Kwanza, too. We came within twelve hours of having a green/brown Christmas here in Sudbury but enough white stuff fell to (barely) coat the ground. It has been an exceptionally benign fall and early winter. I'm actually glad my sled is gone.
It has been exactly a month since I posted here. In that time, a lot has happened. Or not much, depending on how you look at it.
Right after the Red Ribbon Kickoff, I got sick. Probably spent too much time in that meeting room with too many virus riddled citizens. Or maybe it was the flu shot the week before. Who knows? In any case, it started with sneezing and a slightly sore throat before settling into my chest. It wasn't really bad except for the coughing fits that emptied my lungs of air and wouldn't allow me to breath in. I had to wait until the spasm passed, doubled over and trying not to panic. When my voice went away, I paid the sawbones a visit and he prescribed ten days of antibiotics. Total duration was over two weeks before I felt good again.
On a positive note, independent of being ill since the bug was just ramping up, I had my last cigarette on November 27th. I had been telling myself for some time that I really didn't enjoy smoking. It didn't taste good, the raw feeling in my lungs wasn't a pleasure and going outside all the time (often alone) made me feel like a leper. So when the package ran out that evening, I just didn't get another one. Because the cold/flu was getting worse, I didn't even miss it until I was past the physical withdrawal. Now I just need to stay on top of the psychological game because if I don't stay quit this time, I probably never will. Old dog and all that. In almost a month of no nicotine, I haven't gained any weight, either. I haven't lost any, but that isn't the prime concern right now. My brother told me today I should get one of Allen Carr's books. Strangely enough, when I told Sandy about this, she retrieved the Carr book that she gave me ten years ago that I never read. Now I will.
The downside this past month has been a total lack of motivation to do anything. I have been laying on the couch watching TV, reading some novels and browsing the Internets. All the various jobs for the Freedom Riders, OPPVA, Action Sudbury, AAA and my personal task list just sit there on the table staring at me. And I am good at not noticing. I think it may be either some form of depression (although I don't feel particularly bad) or grieving for my old friend tobacco. Anyway, none of the tasks are critical yet and I always work best under deadline pressure, so I know I will get a Round Tuitt before too long. I hope.
I'd like to thank our friends Doug and Carol for including us in their family Christmas dinner today. It was good company combined with amazing food. We really enjoyed ourselves. And, as another Christmas fades into the past, I would like to wish everyone peace on Earth (unless they don't share the same feelings, in which case they can feel free to reap what they sow). Take care, all.
6 years ago
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