The Freedom Riders received an invitation to an event regarding Sudbury Tourism at Science North because of our Freedom Rally activities. None of the Executive were interested, so I took it. Leo agreed to go along with me to put the club's name out there.
In my sled days, I attended many schmooze events. This was the same. Complimentary wine, cheeze and appetizers. Some booths by the local hospitality establishments. A few speeches, some awards. I ran into a number of people I knew from the sled promotion days, INCO and other activities.
There were four door prices. My ticket was xxx019. They called xxx018. Then, at the end, they called xxx020. This was Leo's. The gift package had a shirt, some goodies and quite a few very nice free admission and discount certificates.
To cap the evening off, we were given a free IMAX show, Sea Monsters 3D - A Prehistoric Adventure. It was, as billed, 3D and, for a while, I thought I might be picking fish out of my teeth.
All in all, this activity isn't the Freedom Riders usual cup of tea. That said, it didn't cost anything and I think we managed to heighten the awareness of the club and motorcycling aas a benefit to the community in some useful places.
6 years ago
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