It was time to visit the kids, so we packed up some marshmallow peeps and headed south on Thursday. The weather had dropped below freezing and snow was falling. So much for spring.
We arrived at Kim and Mike's just as Kim was getting home from work. After unpacking our gear, it was time to head to Heather's to meet her new boyfriend, Tom. He showed up shortly after we did and, after introductions and a short chat, we headed out to the Mongolian Grill for supper. The Grill was fairly quiet so we took our time and made several passes through the food line. One fellow working the grill was doing a passable Canned Heat as he sang Going Up The Country while he worked. We got to know Tom a little (he seems like a fine young man) and hope he wasn't too scared by us..... After supper, we stopped at Heather's apartment for a bit and then went back to Kim & Mike's for the night.
Friday, we were up and didn't do too much. Kim was trying to study for an insurance exam and Mike went into work for the morning. Lunch was from Subway after Mike got home and, that evening, we went to Samura, a local Japanese restaurant. The food was tasty and they had chopstick helpers, but I opted to work on the techniques Don Inamasu showed me last summer and struggled through my beef teriyaki and fried noodles on my own. Sandy learned that when someone says green tea ice cream tastes good, it may be an acquired taste. Back at the house, Heather and Tom joined us to watch Blood Diamond off DVD.
Saturday, Kim, Mike, Sandy and I headed for Zehr's to get some groceries. It was packed as one would expect on Easter Saturday. Then I took Heather up to Staples so she could buy a case for the new (reconditioned) laptop she had bought. Back at her place, I struggled to get her two computers talking to each other, learning more things about Windows Networking and ZoneAlarm in the process. We made it back to the Koolen household in time for a fine dinner of pork roast, dressing and potato vegetables with gravy. Dessert was a lemon meringue pie. After watching the Fantastic Four on TV, Mike took Heather home and Sandy turned in for the night. Kim, Mike and I watched some home renovation shows before finally giving up and going to bed.
Sunday, it had snowed some more. I'm Dreaming of a White Easter. Kim and Mike headed to Aylmer for the Koolen Family Easter Brunch and we moved over to Heather's after a stop at Timmie's for breakfast sandwiches and muffins. We lazed around much of the day, watching TV and reading.
The drive back Monday was, again, uneventful. We saw one of the new black and white OPP cruisers on the 400. They look very good. From Barrie to Sudbury, we were in and out of snow squalls. As someone who wanted winter snow, I view this as an insult by the weather gods. Arrived home about 1:30.
6 years ago
1 comment:
Hey. Keep practicing with those chop sticks......
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