We were tired after the NODD conference yesterday, plus I burned the candle a little more by watching the NASCAR Richmond race after I got home. What a joy it was to watch the recorded race and see most of my Fantasy League drivers, competitive at the beginning, get taken out on wrecks beyond their control.
Anyway, I didn't wake up until 9:00 AM and wasn't really mobile until noon. But it was another gorgeous spring day so I called Freedom Riders president Rob to see about retrieving our big trailer which spent the winter stored in his back yard. His wife Chantal told me they were just heading out for a ride but Rob would move the vehicles so I could get at the trailer.
After lunch, Sandy and I took the truck to Hanmer. The trailer hookup went well and all the lights worked. The drive back to Sudbury was equally uneventful. At home, I managed to back the trailer into the driveway in one shot, totally impressing the next door neighbor. He didn't know that it was blind luck.
With the trailer home, it was time to turn my attention to the bike. After pulling the snowblower and lawnmower out into the driveway, I unplugged the battery tender and removed the fabric softener sheets spread around the bike (word has it that rodents hate fabric softener sheets). I checked the oil and found it was right at the bottom of the dipstick. Since it was changed when I stored it and there was no evidence of oil under the bike, I have no idea why it was low but I added a bit to bring the level to the middle of the stick.
The tires were also a bit low so I got out my small Airman compressor, which promptly destroyed itself when I switched it on. Oh well, I've had this one for over four years and it originally cost me $19.95 so I can't complain. It was off to Crappy Tire to get a new pump and then fill the tires to the prescribed pressure, 36 PSI front and 41 rear for anyone who cares. The next task involved putting all the gear back in the appropriate bags and pockets (Sandy helped me with some of them) and then pulling the bike outside. Sandy swept the garage and then I put the snowblower, lawnmower and other implements of destruction into their summer locations.
Next came the best part. I put on my jacket and helmet and fired the bike up. It started well and ran well, not bad for a machine with 240,945 kilometers on the clock. Then I took it out for a short ride to make sure it all worked on the road. It did and it felt great. I stopped by to visit Rose and Andre, new friends who have a Yamaha 1700 Roadstar. The Roadie had some Route 66 graphics so I told Andre he will have to meet Sherm sometime.
Returning home, I parked the bike in the garage and came in with a smile on my face. The season has begun!
6 years ago
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