We were up by 7:00 AM and eventually made it down to the breakfast area. It was a good thing they had lots of tables and chairs because the place was overrun by teenage girls and their parents, apparently in town for some type of sporting event. I had scrambled eggs and sausages while Sandy had her usual cereal and yogurt.
In the room, I planned to transfer months of photographs from the phones to the computer. I didn't have a cord for either phone. I miss the days when a USB and a mini-USB plug were all that it took. Now, each device has its own special plug and I hate it. I transferred the photos by downloading a zip file from each of our Google photo accounts and then unzipping them.
Photos downloaded, we headed over to Heather and Tom's about 9:00 AM. After a while, Heather and Sandy took Jasper shopping. They needed to pick up supplies for tomorrow's party, among other things. Tom and I watched Fiona while I sorted the photos. I seem to have a lot of photos. Fiona is a delightful child. She is usually smiling and crawling all over checking out anything she can reach.
Photos sorted for now, I finished blog posts from New Years going forward and managed to get finished up to the end of yesterday. The ladies returned home with Jasper and then Tom went out to pick up the special birthday cake for tomorrow.
Supper was Subway, an old standby. I find their chili is much better than Tim's. It has a little more bite and doesn't just make me think of ground beef soup.
We were back at the hotel by 10:00 again. The young ladies are here with their parents for a basketball tournament. No wonder they all look fit. Back in the room, I proved that I can't be trusted with anything that moves, much less power tools. I rolled the caster on the desk chair up against the back of my right foot and took a chunk out of my heel. I do have three different kinds of Polysporin, but all of them are at home. I'll see if Heather has any in the morning.
I turned in soon after with the Kindle. I'm reading The Day After Never by Nathan Van Coops, the third book in his time traveler trilogy. How about that for alliteration.I got started in the series with a BookBub free offer. It is interesting but, when I get done, I have a large number of non-fiction history and other books (OK, electronic books) that I have been collecting as they caught my eye. I haven't read much in years due to the computer and Interwebs, but it is time to get back to books.
6 years ago
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