Saturday morning was clear and cool. Mike cooked scrambled eggs and bacon while Sandy made toast. Breakfast done, we hustled up to the Value-Mart in Barry’s Bay to gather provisions for the rest of the weekend. Heather road pillion on Quicksilver, her first ride on the new machine. We were back in plenty of time to be ready for the annual bike ride at 11:00 AM.
The ride consisted of all ten bikes in attendance. Some of the guests who don’t usually get a chance to ride found empty passenger seats, while Kim joined me for the run. After fueling up and following Brother John through the traditional wrong turn, lodge owner Brian Stevenson took the point and took us along the narrow winding roads through the familiar towns like Palmer Rapids, Quadeville, Brudenell, Wilno and back to Barry’s Bay. The road surfaces went from pristine to “watch out for the holes”, but it was a fun time. By the time we got back to Barry’s Bay and parked by the old familiar chip stand, the street fair was in full swing. Old cars, street rods, vehicles and people of every description dotted Highway 60 through town. As we waited for our food orders, we watched the dark clouds, the very same ones that had been no part of the weekend weather forecast, roll in. Kim and I opted to skip the tour of the street and headed back down to Combermere at a good pace.
Back at the cabin, everyone kicked back and some took naps. After supper, topped off by strawberry/rhubarb pie, we loaded the cooler and headed for the Round House. This is an enclosed building with benches around the walls and a huge fireplace in the middle. Dave brought in a new addition, a Karaoke machine and we got it working. Soon enough people had arrived to fill all the benches and some were making the first attempts at singing the oldies tunes that came with the music machine. Songs were sung and alcohol was drunk and soon so were many of the people. Then we shut down the Karaoke machine and Dave brought out his trusty guitar to accompany the singers. Eventually people started to drift off starting, unusually, with the younger crowd. Future son-in-law Mike, pretty trashed, was the last of the kids to go leaving a few of us old timers still going. By 3:30, it was just Brother Dave and I discussing life, the Universe and everything so we packed it in. It took what was left of my Southern Comfort bottle (not a lot) and started back the quarter mile walk along the lakeshore to cabin 26. With no flashlight! I did eventually make it safely and crawled into bed.
6 years ago
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