So the motorhome and trailer are at the shop and we are off to Cambridge for ten days to meet new granddaughter Robyn and help Kim while Jolene is at home next week. Her day care person is off to the Dominican Republic for a vacation and, with the brand new baby at home and Mike back at work, some assistance is required.
The temperatures have been warm the last week but they are back to seasonal this morning. I don't know why everyone is getting so upset about global warming. I sure could use some more of it. I paid the bills and took care of my bookkeeping before getting away about 10:15. I stopped by the bank to get some cash and use my new chipped bank card because the bank website chastised me for not having given it a try yet. Nag, nag, nag......
On the drive south, we were pleasantly surprised to see that the extension to the four lane from south of Parry Sound past Nobel and the Killbear Provincial Park entrance was open. All four divided lanes. Hallelujah. It's about time.
For several years now, I have been noticing fir trees where the needles turn a striking golden/yellow. Then, sometime later, all the needles fall off. In one yard a couple of seasons back, I saw six identical trees, one of which had changed colour. There seem to be a lot more of these along the 69/400 corridor this season. I have been looking on the Web but can't find anything that matches this description. If anybody does know what it is, drop me a line.
We stopped at Tecumseth Pines along Highway 9 to visit out friends Eric and Sherry. I would have called ahead but only had their old phone number, which I found had been reassigned to a landscaping company. Luckily,they were home when we dropped in unannounced and we had a good visit. We missed them at Combermere because they went on a trip out west and decided to extend it. They were gone 62 days and got trapped in Lusk, Wyoming (the place where we found the really good bacon several years ago) for a week due to snow. This was only a couple of weeks before we wandered through there in June. There were lots of interesting tales to tell.
We reached Guelph just in time for rush hour traffic. With that and the interminable street construction, I took a few back streets with only moderate success and we arrived at Kim and Mike's at 6:30, about a half hour late. It was great to see our new week old granddaughter Robyn and also to see how much Jolene had grown. She is talking lots now and we can even make out some of what she is saying.
We'll be here for nine days and should be able to get really well acquainted with the grandkids. Looking forward to it.
Today's Route (285 miles):
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6 years ago