It was quite the trip. We covered 1,600 miles in just over 24 hours each way so that we could spend three days with friends. That's quite an effort and one might ask whether it was worth it. Considering the nature of the friends, of course it was. I don't know if I'd do the straight shot again, since we are all getting older and it beat us up quite a bit, but travelling that far for a few days with the VROC family was what this is all about.
It amazes me how Scott and Margot organize this twice a year. Their hospitality, along with Lisa and Dallas as well as Sumo and Shannon, is beyond compare. Thanks to each and every one of them for giving us this opportunity to visit and hang out. Thanks, too, to all the VROCers who showed up and made this a weekend to remember.
Now we will settle in and get serious about planning for the upcoming season. There is bike maintenance and upgrading to schedule, reservations to be made and budgeting to be worked out. I will be busy for a while.
Our travel schedule for 2007 has been updated. We will be cutting back a little from the last three years to conserve a little cash and allow me to get some golf in, but we will still get to a lot of places. More details will be posted later after I get them worked out.
6 years ago
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