Jax from Tennessee has stepped forward to take the lead role in setting up the Southeast VROC (SEVROC) rally for next year. He thinks that, after four years at Lake Lure, it is time to change the venue. Saturday morning, a contingent of people set out to check out Maggie Valley as a likely site. We stopped in Bryson City for breakfast (a different restaurant this time) and then rode up the winding, scenic rode through Cherokee to Maggie Valley.
The site is ideal. There is a friendly, reasonably priced host motel with several others of varying luxury within a stone’s throw and adjacent campgrounds. Restaurants and other amenities are nearby. Everyone seemed favourably impressed. That done, we adjourned to a scenic lookout for some photos and then headed back through Cherokee where some of the group stopped to do some shopping. A few of us continued on back to KSL.
From KSL, five bikes set out to explore part of the Cherohala Skyway. We planned to run as far as the Tennessee State Line since there was an absolute need to be back for supper. This was ribs and fried chicken night. The road wound down to Robbinsville and then it was a tight, twisty road through the trees up to the start of the Skyway. When we got there we found an excellent road with sweeping curves of varying radii and no traffic going our way. Gunslinger set the pace as we cruised through the turns. All to soon, it was time to turn around and head back to KSL. I decided, considering the probability of early morning fog, not to head out this way in the morning towing the trailer. We would return the way we came instead.
I have one complaint about the ribs and chicken. There was way too much. And it was so good that I couldn’t pass up seconds and thirds. And then there was the pecan squares for dessert. Truth be told, the three suppers at the lodge were the best meals we had on the trip. Thanks to Fred and Mo for all the work.
We tore down the screen room and awning tonight in anticipation of an early getaway in the morning. My stay at the campfire was brief since I needed to be on my toes tomorrow. I did make the rounds at the fire saying my goodbyes. Happily, many of them consisted of saying we will meet in a few weeks in Wisconsin or Utah. I love the way things have become. Our gatherings are now like a little Brigadoon which appears briefly in one place and then, a while later, reappears elsewhere. More and more VROCers are going transcontinental and this is a good thing. Anyway, it was off to bed early and I was lulled to sleep by the sounds of friends laughing, talking and enjoying themselves.
6 years ago
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