We set up Thursday night after the mall closed. President Rob's pretty 2001 1100 Yamaha V-Star was the central attraction. It 's mounted on a revolving turntable Gord masterminded and surrounded by plastic chain.
We also have a table with promotional materials. Since we are a new member of Action Sudbury, we handed out many of their promotional items encouraging safe and sober driving. Impaired drivers are a serious threat to riders.
The new feature this show was the display case that Dan and Gary V built over the winter.

It is an excellent piece of work and gives us a place to display out club awards (or anything else that might need displaying).
Various members worked the display over the next two days. We made many contacts with both the motorcycle community and the general public. It's a lot of work, but worth it.
Saturday night, after closing, the usual crew arrived to tear down the display and load it. Tomorrow, Gary V and I will deliver the various components to their respective storage locations.
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