From Prescott, we started up what they call the Mingus Mountain Scenic Highway to the mountainside town of Jerome. This is even twistier and the edges are closer and steeper. Still no problems. The do-it-yourself cognitive behaviour therapy must be working. We descended to Cottonwood, where the group split for lunch. Sherm, Lefty, Captain Kirk, Craig joined us at a Jack In The Box. Not bad.
The rest of the group headed over towards Payson while we and Sherm headed down I-17. Didn’t quite beat rush hour so we just got back when it was time to head over to Mel’s D&D for BBQ hamburgers and brats. It was a good meal, and I bought some cruising pegs (for me) and mirror wings (for Sandy). They will get installed tomorrow at noon.
Back at the hotel, everyone adjourned to the grassy knoll and then wandered off to bed as the urge hit them.
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