It was cool, clear and not very windy when we rolled through Tucson eastbound on I-10. We had breakfast at a Mickey D’s in Benson, Arizona and then headed south on Highway 80 to check out Tombstone where the Earp’s and Doc Holliday had it out with the Clantons and their compatriots at the OK Corral. The town was quiet since we got there about 9:00 AM and most of the shops on the old main street were just opening. It was an interesting place for those who follow that period in history.

After we saw the sights, we headed back up Highway 80 to I-10 and continued east. We came into the Texas Canyon, where the rocks are jumbled creatively. It is an unusual and amazing place. I got off the road twice to admire the formations.

Just inside New Mexico, we stopped at a rest area that had some friendly people and free coffee. I found out later that Sherm had left a message on my voicemail to check out the free internet access provided there.

It was also obvious that the south has a long memory.
Continuing east, we crossed the Continental Divide as C.W. McCall was singing Wolf Creek Pass on the MP3 player. There were repeated warnings about zero visibility dust storms on signs along the highway, and we watched dust devils of varying sizes playing their way across the desert.End of day saw us in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Although we have been running about 36 MP(US)G, we got 44.6 on this stretch at 75 – 80 MPH. We had supper at a Cracker Barrel and got some more bungie cords at a nearby WalMart. These are to secure our jackets on the rear rack when the temperature gets too hot to wear them.The hotel had an indoor pool heated to 92 degrees. That was warmer than I have ever seen, but it was nice after a day on the road.
It looks like the bad weather keeps moving out ahead of us so we will head up to Alamagordo tomorrow to see a friend named Stan McCann and will then cross the mountains through Cloudcroft and will be on to Texas.
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