It was another clear, sunny morning. I could get used to this. The campground got buzzed early by a two person ultralite aircraft. What it lacked in speed it made up for in noise.
We headed over to the big tent for breakfast where we found there had been nefarious doings overnight. Someone, certainly not one of us, had stolen Kevin's Primus gas stove and propane bottle and Fred's archaic Coleman gas lantern while we slept. This is unusual at one of our gatherings.
Patsy Appleby and Diane Marier decided to take up a collection to see if we could replace the stolen items. After a pass through the rallyists, they came up with $206.00. They made a trip into town with Sandy, Tom and Heather and came back with new gear. The bill had come to $205.16, which I found pretty spooky. We found later that some type of electric bike had been taken from the regular campers as well and that the campground owners had an idea who the thief might have been.
The day got hotter as they readied the field for the bike games. These are fun competitions where riders and passengers try to score in various events. In the Ring Toss, the bike rides a path while the passenger tries to throw hula-hoops over stakes at varying distances. The Water Wok has the passenger holding a wok with one liter of water over the rider's head as they traverse a bumpy course. The one with the most water left at the end wins. The slow race involves head to head competitions, with the last rider completing the section without putting there feet down the winner. This consumed most of the afternoon. Terry and his daughter Amber won the Water Wok by not spilling a drop and Jules Delorme, from the French Connection, won the slow race as usual.
Supper in the big tent was handled by Grand Valley Caterers again. They had turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, stuffing and a rolled rib dish along with salads. They served us so much the first time that few went back for seconds. The dessert was either Black Forest or carrot cake.
After supper, the awards and door prizes were handed out. I won a fleece jacket that Sandy appropriated, while Heather won a nice GoldWing jacket and Kim won leather gloves. In the awards, Heather won youngest female rider and got honourable mention for low poker run score. Someone else beat her 4 with a 2. Kim received her 25 year attendance pin (Heather missed a year in the Azores) and Mike got a 5 year award. The crew from Waterloo Wings did an outstanding job with the weekend and we thank them for all their efforts.
Our time at the fire was short tonight. We looked at some pictures Ian was projecting in the big tent and then turned in. The evening was warmer and dryer than the last few.
6 years ago
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