Everybody in VROC knows who Sherm Acord is. He is the VROC good will ambassador, the picture blogger, everybody's favourite. He has appeared in my Blog many times since I started it last season. Despite the fact that he resides in Coos Bay Oregon, we ride with him several times each year all across the country.

Sherm has been riding for many years and handled Kokopelli, his 2002 GoldWing, with a master's deft touch. I've followed him many times and admire his smoothness and the effortless way he floats through the corners.

Unfortunately, even the best of us aren't immune to trouble. Word was posted on the VROC newsgroup this morning that Sherm, on his way home from North Carolina, had crashed in Oregon about an hour short of his destination. Details started out sketchy but new information has been coming in throughout the day. The cause of the accident is, as yet, unknown. Sherm is in ICU in a hospital out there and his wife Pat is with him. It looks like he has a lacerated spleen, broken ribs, a broken scapula, and injured hand and much road rash. He is in a lot of pain but is stable. Reports are that Kokopelli is a write-off.
Those of us who ride a lot are always aware that this can happen, but it really hits home when one of the masters, one who we just assume is invincible, is down. The Power of VROC is already massing as it does in troubled times, but I ask any of you other readers who can find it in yourself to offer a prayer or a thought for our good friend in his time of trouble.
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