There were no pictures taken by either of us today. The weather turned worse with cold rain falling in the morning while the temperature was not forecast to be above the mid-50's all day. The Twisty Riders left to make another attempt to ride the Iron Mountain and Needles Highways. I stayed in bed and had a late breakfast instead.
Later, I didn't do much except to read and nap while Sandy joined Trouble and Mean Susan going to visit the local merchants on a search for raffle prizes. They did quite well. The Vulcan Nation trailer (inadvertently, I hope) left town with the Kawasaki prizes, although Teri's gift certificates for the nice stuff was still here.
The weather improved in the afternoon and the riders returned in time for the group photo at 4:00 PM. Then it was down to the Galena Room at the Four Aces Casino/Hampton Inn for supper. After we ate a fine meal with excellent prime rib, Dr. Gregory Frazier, world motorcycle traveler and author, gave us a talk on some of the key things he has learned in his travels. He can be a funny man. Then Lucky Al and Mean Susan proceeded to give out the raffle prizes. It was as if we had entered an Infinite Improbability Loop as a few people accounted for most of the prizes. Mad Kaw went above and beyond by winning almost every shirt that came up and wearing them all.
At the end of the meal, the room gave Jamey T and Trouble a standing ovation for putting on such a great rally. Then we went outside to find a severe lightning storm in progress. Some of the flash/bangs were less than a second apart. Luckily, we had come down in Sherm's truck and we went back the same way.
The spirits were high when we got back to the hotel. Sandy joined the ladies for the secret Lemon Drop Ceremony. Repeatedly. She had always avoided this in the past but was in a party mood this time around. No one seemed to want to go to bed but, eventually, people drifted off and we were tucked in before 1:00 AM.
6 years ago
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