We are both retired from Inco Limited in Sudbury, Ontario. Our twin daughters are grown so we travel whenever we can. From 2004 until 2010, we traveled mostly by motorcycle covering 260,000 kilometers. In 2011, we started towing the bike in an enclosed trailer, first behind a motorhome and then behind a truck. This is a travelogue of our wanderings.
Gord, Maxxx and Roger the Grouch
Normie, Lisa, Ray, Roger, Gord, Maxxx, Sandy, Biker
Ace and Shelby
Everyone watches Shelby keep VROC up to date on what we are doing
The fish was THIS BIG!!
Hey, wait a minute..........
That's about it for this (almost) Port Dover gathering. Maybe next year, we'll get all the way down but then again, maybe not. Shoeless Joe's is just fine by us.
You see the strangest things at ES:-)
Many of the people took advantage of the improved weather to go out riding. Since we were leaving early, I checked the bike over and we packed much of our gear. Then we went over to WalMart for some single serving packages of coffee that we can't get in Canada. Bought two boxes. We returned and hung out with those who were not riding.
Eagle invited us to supper. He, Brenda, Dark, Sandy and I went into town to the Forest Hills Restaurant. This is the third time Sandy and I have been there over the years, but this time we just had the soup and salad bar since we will be riding hard tomorrow. When we got back to the Stables, a live band Phil (IHS Owner among other things) had hired was playing. They were loud enough to interfere with conversations and some people were wearing earplugs.
I talked to Strider (Hickory NC) and Gary VanDerEyck (Listowel Ontario) for a while and then The Saint introduced himself and we spent some time chatting. Before long, I decided to go to bed since we would be up early. I made the rounds of those still up and said my goodbyes and toddled off to bed.
This has been a great weekend despite the weather. Maybe the weather was a plus for us because we'll talk about it for a long time. Thanks to Dianna, Tip and all those who pitched in to organize and execute this event.
The new and improved Thomas "Wiliedog" Gates
(less 130 pounds)
The raffle started and I went outside to watch the storm hit. Rain was heavy and straight line winds were fierce. Pea-sized hail fell for a bit and low-lying fog clouds appeared and swirled while the sky was bright with lightning and thunder booked. Eventually, it quieted down, the rian stopped, and I went inside to watch the rest of the raffle which saw a huge number of prizes given out.
We went out after the raffle and found the rain and lightning were back. I suited up and Sandy caught a ride back to the Stables with Steve “Eagle” Gladfelter and his wife Brenda in there car. Steve and I met in Ignacio Colorado back in 2000 and he has been a mainstay of the World Reunions ever since. The ride across town was one of the worst I have done. Visibility was negligible because the rain soaked up the headlight beam except when the lightning flashed and it was like daytime. Then, when the flash was over, I would try to aim for where I remembered the road to have been. I moved slowly and carefully, eventually pulling into the IHS parking lot and back under the overhang.
The rest of the evening was spent in the TV room watching the Weather Channel as they talked about the “unusual outbreak of September storms”. The sever system started about here and extended all the way past Chicago with a record number of tornadoes spawned and heavy flooding in some areas. Eventually, we went to bed with the sky still lit over and over again by huge flashes of lightning.
Keith gives the riding orders to the group
Ol’ Phart gives out tickets for a draw
We left sharply at 9:00. The ride was the usual staggered, using the block and fall back method at intersections. The riders right behind the leader block the intersection while the group rides through and then fall in at the back just ahead of Ol’ Phart who, as sweeper, rides last to be sure no one gets lost. This is the usual NEVROC riding protocol and works very well almost all of the time.
The back roads in Maine are fun. Everybody rode well, which is typical for VROC groups. We passed through areas where the maples were turning bright red and some oak leaves have already fallen. As with yesterday, we found that Maine looks very much like different parts of Ontario. We stopped after 30 miles and sixty miles for brief rests, and then Keith took us to an overlook called Blueberry Hill where we admired the vista and Ron Russell took a timer tripod group shot. Then a pretty blonde girl who was having a picnic there took another two shots with Ron’s camera just to be sure.
Blueberry Hill
Maine has many good roads and many pretty roads where the pavement isn’t quite as good as we would like. After one turn, Ron pulled his BMW K1200 over suddenly because one of the breakaway mirrors had broken away after hitting a bump. Luckily, he has a tether on it so it wasn’t lost or run over. I stopped with him as did Joe and then we got a little bit faster riding trying to catch the group.
We stopped for lunch in Norridgewock. Our bike had just turned 80,000 kilometers and I guess that is the life of a low beam bulb on a Wing because, as I pulled up in front of the restaurant window, I saw one was burnt out. I’ll have to see about fixing that on Monday. Sandy was concerned about the rear shock since the ride was rougher than usual, but so was the road. I think we are OK, but I intend to replace it with a heavier duty aftermarket unit over the winter.
The ride back to Bethel was smoother and quicker since the roads were wider and newer. We connected with Highway 2 and had a good run. The one problem with the blocking came at Rumford, where Keith called for a blocker (it was my turn) but didn’t wait for three oncoming cars to clear the intersection before he turned. I moved to block, looked at an old, beat-up car coming my way at speed and not slowing down, and pulled out of the way. From the look of the redneck types in the car, I don’t think they would have stopped.
We got back to the Inn with no further problems and people parked and then visited until the pub opened once again at 4:00 PM. We are now waiting for our supper seatings in the dining room and I am killing time by Blogging.