Today I had a very modest goal. Other rides were heading for Tioga Pass in Yosemite Park, Lake Tahoe or Mono Lake to the south. All I wanted to do was confront Monitor Pass again and get the worries I had been harbouring since my very stiff descent on Thursday out of my system. It turns out I would have company as good old NiteLite (with his daughter Laura Anne on back) volunteered to lead and his son Brian, Cranky, Sherm and Lisa and Gary "Cash Kaw" Jones decided to go along for the ride.
We headed south on 395 a few miles and made the turn on 89 towards the pass with Howard in the lead, Gary second, us third and the rest of the crew arrayed behind us. The first little stretch was through a small canyon and across the valley floor to the start of the climb. My pulse quickened as we rode but I thought positive thoughts. What I discovered as we approached the grade was that it looked a whole lot different from the bottom. Instead of sheer drops, the ground sloped away from the road although this wasn't apparent when going down. Instead of being faced with a 2,500 free fall, it would only be a 2,500 foot tumble. For some strange reason, I had no problem with that:-)
Howard set a relaxed pace as we started the climb out of the valley. This time, I was relaxed even though most of the time we were on the outside next to the edge. I found myself wishing we could pick up the pace. Before long we were at the top. In the last turn to the left onto the plateau there is no road visible ahead of you or to the right and, as Slots says, it is like you are flying for a moment. Then we were in the high meadow and I had faced down another self inflicted demon.
As we rode across the high desert, Sandy pointed out a coyote. It took me a couple of looks to pick him out as he slinked away from us in the sagebrush while looking back over his shoulder reproachfully. He didn't seem thrilled that we were invading his space. We continued on and started to wind our way down, passing the Highway 4 turnoff to Ebbetts, and continuing along the river to Markleeville.

The Sublows elected to return to Topaz over Monitor while the rest of us decided to go on. Brian later told me that he had a better understanding of my attack going down the grade since it looked entirely different from that direction.
The crew going on decided we would go to Genoa. Since I had been in Markleeville three times in the last ten days, I was nominated to be leader. I set a leisurely pace on Highway 89 and hung a right on 88 towards Gardnerville. Without aid of a map, I made an instinctive left onto Foothill Road and we wound our way along the base of the Sierras, always taking the road nearest the mountains. There were several bicycles, including a couple of young ladies who were riding two abreast and taking up our entire lane through a semi-blind curve. A pox on them. I also almost rear-ended a truck towing a trailer when he slowed suddenly to turn while I was looking ahead for a passing spot. A wake-up call, since it would have been entirely my fault.

After the visit to the park, we stopped at a small restaurant across from the bar where some of us had sandwiches. Gary opted to leave us at this point and head back to the Lodge while we continued on up Jack's Valley Road. As we left Genoa, two mule deer came bounding out of a yard and around a hedge. One crossed in front of me and the other stopped, as did I. Sherm noted that this was right at a deer crossing sign. Since the second deer didn't seem to want to commit, we eased forward until we were past them. Once again, my deer encounters happen about noon. Jack's Valley Road met 395 just south of Carson City and it was then a straight shot back to Topaz with a gas stop in Gardnerville. Funny but it was the same three bikes as yesterday.
Back at the Lodge, Sherm installed a set of foam tunnel fillers he took off Kokopelli on Quicksilver. These block rain and dirt from coming up inside the fairing through the opening around the fork legs. They have over 80K miles on them but they work just fine and it pleases me to know that a part of that noble motorcycle rides on with me. Thanks, Sherm.

After supper, it was time to head over to the pitch for the HSVROC Raffle. While many donated prizes to this, the prime movers were the Sublows, with Howard chasing many businesses to ante up. The net proceeds from the ticket sales, after the 50/50 prize, were to be donated to fight breast cancer.

After the raffle, some of us wandered over to the Casino for a while and then sat outside and watched heat lightning flash over the hills across the lake. Then it was time to turn in since it would be an early morning tomorrow.
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