Bawating alumni decided it was time for a reunion in this, the 45th year. I became aware of it last year but thought it was going to be held in October. Recently, I discovered it was scheduled, instead, for the Canada Day Weekend. Unfortunately, I had already registered for the French Connection Rally in the Ottawa Valley. I still haven't got the 'two places at once' thing figured out.
As we were heading for the Black Hills, I got thinking about the reunion. Mom told me Del Weber, a French teacher I had, was inquiring about my address to send me a reunion package. I'm flattered he thought about me after all these years. I looked up the reunion website and saw I was past the cutoff date for registration so I called Mom and got Del's number. I phoned him from Custer and he graciously volunteered to head over to the school and register me. He even put up the fees, trusting soul that he is.
We got home from the trip on Tuesday and headed for the Soo on Friday. I stopped on the way in and picked up the registration package at the host hotel. Everything was a la carte, so I had just chosen the Sunday brunch and the Saturday afternoon at the school. Looks like I should have added the Friday wine and cheese social since that seemed to be a busy event.

Mike Carlson, a contemporary of my brothers' and a former neighbor, was there Friday and Saturday so we spent time catching up.
Sunday brunch was a little late so I got talking to some of the committee people. We sat with Mike and his two young daughters when the food came out. There was a good selection and I enjoyed it. Del showed up near the end and I spent more time talking to the organizers. Seems I may have gotten myself on the committee for the 50th. Same old, same old.
We stayed over Sunday night and came back Monday. It was a good weekend but it was disappointing not more of the 70/71 crowd wasn't there. Thinking back, if I hadn't heard from a friend, I would never have known it was going on so we need to sepnd the next five years tracking people down. Sounds like a hobby to me:-)
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