Sherm's Ride
Sherm worked on this ride for a long time. I know he rode the course at least three times and made arrangements so that everything would go smoothly. It did.
Sherm worked on this ride for a long time. I know he rode the course at least three times and made arrangements so that everything would go smoothly. It did.

The ride left town the way we entered, via Seven Devils Road and Beaver Hill Road to US 101.

The group moved south on 101 to Bandon or, as the banners say, Bandon By The Sea. We rode into Old Town Bandon and parked by the waterfront.

From the lighthouse we went on to Reedsport to see Guy Mobley, current proprietor of Sherm's Cycle Products. Guy is responsible for efforts that have gained SCP a number of records at the Bonneville Salt Flats. After that, the group broke up. Some went on to look for elk while some of us returned to Charleston. Malachi had given Sherm a beaded seat to try and I snagged it to check out on the ride back. I didn't hardly notice it was there. Perfect. Thanks, Mal, I'm keeping it.
This was one of the best rides I have been on in a very long time. Thanks for all the efforts, Sherm. A job well done.
Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch
After the riders returned, we adjourned across the street to the Portside Restaurant, home of some good seafood and a lounge singer of no particular renown. Actually, there was nothing wrong with the singer that earplugs wouldn't fix. No photos because the battery was now charging.
We got word that Pat had taken Sherm to Emergency with severe lower back pains. I knew that something was wrong this morning when he didn't eat his breakfast at the Kozy Kitchen. Sherm never skips food. Our layman's guess was kidney stones. Another rider from Washington, Brian Graham, wrecked riding back alone from the Rogue River tour. No details yet this evening.
Lisa asked if I could cover Sherm's Ride tomorrow. I have no idea where those back roads were, but I'll figure it out somehow.

The Beach House was bubbling with energy. Some members chose to stand outside where the bonfire was taking the edge off the cool breeze. Jamey T carried a bottle of Mississippi Mud Black And Tan Beer all the way from South Dakota in response to a comment I made comparing American beer to having sex in a canoe. I don't drink beer but I had some of this in honour of the effort he made. It wasn't half bad. It WAS half British, though:-)
Didsbury Dave and I have new cameras and started comparing performance. I think it was a tie but he paid less for his so I'll have to give the win to him. But mine photographs the inside of flowers better.
I went to bed about 11:00 wondering where I would take Sherm's trusting riders tomorrow.
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