It was warm this morning. I looked at the list I made up last night and wondered if I would ever be ready to leave.
The first thing had nothing to do with the list. I could hear the outside sump pump running dry. Went out to the garage and unplugged it. It looks like I will have to climb down into the five foot deep sump and see why the float mechanism isn't working. But later sounds like a good time for that.
I posted up our bills and, since it was the first of the month, reconciled the bank accounts. Then Sandy and I headed out to do some errands. First a stop at the bank to deposit a cheque and get a little cash. After stopping at Mickey D's for lunch, we visited Leather Works Plus on Lorne Street where I picked up a pair of vest extender chains (I lost one going to the Toronto Motorcycle Show in January) and a couple of bags of pin locks. We picked up a new 6 volt LED light at Canadian Tire and some padlocks and a hitch pin for the trailer at Princess Auto. Last stop was a few groceries at the Real Canadian Superstore.
Back at home, I caught up on the Email and worked on Freedom Riders and Freedom rally tasks. I also took a few minutes out and applied on line for my Canada Pension, which I am taking early. It will start in October, the month after I turn 60. I will take a 31.2% reduction for starting five years early but will have the money when I can better use it.
Suddenly, about 6:30, the TV went blank. We lost all cable, both TV and Internet. Not three minutes after it went out, an Eastlink Cable marketer called trying to sell me on including the phone in my bundle. I wasn't too friendly. When I called the service people (located in Charlottetown PEI), the young lady told me the outage was localized and they were looking into it. Their phones were out as well. So in the bundled world, when the cable went out, I wouldn't be able to call and complain:-))
We took some Freedom Riders merchandise I had picked up over to Marissa, who is responsible for it. We all muttered about the cable company but, by the time we got back, all was functioning and Survivor and American idol were recording. That was a close one.
I'm going to knock off for the evening and watch some TV. I'll be ready to go back at the list tomorrow.
BTW, the five remaining singers on American Idol were awesome tonight in my humble opinion. I can't remember a final five where everyone was so excellent. Unfortunately, I'm putting my money on the off-beat Phillip Phillips to get the heave-ho tomorrow..
6 years ago
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