This morning, Cambrian Ford tightened the lug nuts to 140 ft/lbs while I waited. After watching the handling of the wheel simulators (those shiny chrome covers that look like the actual wheels), I'll be able to do this myself in the future. But then they did the job for free so maybe I won't. I also made an appointment for when we get back to have a major engine tune-up done.
While I was waiting for the tech, I looked around the lot. One of the best cars, according to Ford, for flat towing behind and RV is the Focus with the manual transmission. And it gets over 50 MPG highway under its own power. But why, you ask, would I be looking at this? We have come to the conclusion that there are times it would be much more practical to tow a car rather than a motorcycle. For example, we could leave the RV down south and drive home when we wanted to. No more Greyhound buses or TSA airport security. We could carry golf clubs to the course and sight see comfortably no matter what the weather. OK, I think we are getting older. So sue us:-)
I topped off the day by attending an Action Sudbury meeting. My friend Norm L is back from Arizona and so we had coffee afterwards. He gave me some info on the whole car towing exercise since he pulls a Chev Cobalt behind his Hurricane Class A. I now have a whole new discipline to learn about but lots of folks do it so it can't be that difficult.
On a side note, since I have gotten back to posting I see that the Google Gnomes have redesigned the Blogger interface. Again. Some of it looks more functional and a few things don't work as well as the old way. The whole feel is much more rudimentary, which seems to be their current philosophy. But then the price is right so I don't have the same privilege of complaining that I would if I was a paying customer. Still, we have been complaining about the rename glitch in the list blogs gadget for months and no has responded or fixed it. There needs to be some level of customer service.
6 years ago
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