Don was taking a ride out this morning to the "giggle road", a stretch a ways south with a series of hills that can just about get you airborne. Sherm, Sandy and I had decided on a more local ride today.
The first order of business was to change to headlight bulbs in the Wing. I pulled the wiring plug and dust cap on the first one and Sherm took the bulb out. Then he tried to put the new bulb in. I distinctly remember him saying 'flat side down'. After a lot of wrangling, he got the bulb in and I put the dust cover on and reconnected the wires. Then he went in to make a phone call while I tackled the other bulb. I got the bulb out and then spent 15 minutes trying to get the new one in with the flat side DOWN. Then I took a close look and noted the flat side was UP!!!!!! Sherm tells me he flipped the bulb on his side without verbalizing. My fault for assuming:-) The two new bulbs lit up just fine and my scuffed hands will recover.

Monitor freaked me out last year because this side features a number of switchbacks up the face of the Sierra's. No problem this time except I slowed for the last two blind left-handers at the top of that section. Miss these turns and you'll fall for a long time. At the top, we stopped and I talked to two Harley couples, including one woman originally from Toronto.

The Raffle

Things cleared soon and, after eating, we joined the gang over at the picnic tables for the raffle organized by NiteLite, his wife Linda and daughter Laura. Many donated items were raffled off and then Cranky won 50% of the raffle money. The other half will go to the Susan G. Komen fight against breast cancer.

For all their efforts, Don and NiteLite were presented with personalized tools from an appreciative VROCer who wished to remain anonymous. They have held this together for years now and the sentiment was shared by all who were in attendance.
After the raffle, we hung around for a while and then turned in since tomorrow would be a travel day.
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