It was another clear, sunny, hot morning. We rode I-90 to Buffalo and then took I-190 to the Peace Bridge. It was windy in the bridge but there was very little traffic. Our inspector asked the plate number and I told him. To be clear, I restated it as Victor, Romeo, Oscar, Charlie. He looked at the OPPVA sticker and told me I sounded just like Columbo. I laughed and, after a few questions, he let us go without even asking to see our ID.
The bridge toll is double if you have a trailer. $6.00 versus $3.00.
The wind was heavy as we rode up the QEW. I could see a cloud line north of us, welcoming us back to Canada. We took the ETR407 to save some time and stopped at McDonald's at the Barrie service centre for lunch. Two school buses of teenage girls were just leaving and had left a mess of the tables. You'd think whoever was chaperoning the group would have made them clean up. I guess that's a commentary on how today's youth are being raised.
There had been black clouds north of us when we stopped but, amazingly, they were gone when we came out. We were fine until it spit a little bit at the French River, 40 miles south of home. Then we were OK again until we arrived.
We opened the trailer and got the gear out. We left it up for a bit to dry off the dew and this is when it started raining steadily. I hope we can get it dried and taken down before we leave again on Wednesday.
(Posted 6/11/08 6:05 AM)
6 years ago
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